How To Write Profitable Copy

Let's discuss 15 tips for creating profitable marketing copy.

1. Write A Compelling Headline

The headline needs to draw people’s attention, and compel them to read the next line of copy below it.

2. Stress The Benefits First

Give the reader the benefits of your product before talking about the features.

3. Feature Social Proof Using Photos

People love to look at photos. When we are browsing websites on our phones or scanning our Facebook newsfeed we are addicted to looking at photos. It's important you acknowledge this fact. Your prospects want to see others interacting with your brand, they want proof they can trust you to deliver on what you promise. You should use photos and video on your website to create that all important social proof, that's so crucial to making sales online.

4. Keep Your Language Simple

Don’t turn your reader off by using long sentences and large paragraphs. It must be easy for them to read your copy and understand exactly what you are offering.

5. Write In The Second Person

Use the second person narrative in your marketing copy. It's time to use "we" and "our" less and replace it with "you" and "your".

6. Make An Irresistible Offer

Offer something that the customer cannot resist, and make sure you give a genuine reason for making the offer.

7. Include A Strong Call For Action

Determine what you would like your reader to do having read your copy. Lead them to take this specific action by being clear about the steps they need to take.

8. Set A Deadline To Create Urgency

People need to have a reason to do something now, otherwise they set it aside for ‘later’ and never get to it.

9. Avoid Cluttered Design

Don’t clutter up the page with graphics, different fonts and colours. Use lots of whitespace and keep the layout simple and easy to read.

10. Use A Landing Page To Build Your Email List

If the purpose of your copy is to build an email list, it's important you direct your prospects to a landing page. This is a page that only gives the reader two options. They can either read your copy and sign up to your list or they can leave the page. A landing page offers no other options as it's designed specifically to give the reader limited distractions.

11. Analyse and Act On The Data You Gain From Google Analytics

It's critical to know what part of your marketing is working. Thankfully we now have the tools to solve this problem. We can use Google Analytics and phone tracking technologies to track what piece of copy is converting into leads and sales.

12. Determine Your Client Profile Before Starting

Before you begin writing your content, decide who your target client is. Are they married? How old are they? Do they have children? You then give this person a name. Next you write your content/copy for this person and no one else.

13. Distribute Strategically On And Offline

If you know that people are gathering in a certain physical location, you would want to put your marketing efforts in being there. The same principal applies online – if your customers are on Twitter, you’ll want to make sure you are putting your efforts in marketing on Twitter. Find out where your customers are, and go there.

14. Enter The Conversation In Your Client’s Mind

Your customer is having conversations in their head about whatever problem or issue they’re dealing with. If you can relate to the problem they are having you can enter their conversation, and thus become a resource for them.

15. Test, Test, And Test.

Once you have established content, test to see if it’s working. If it’s not, then tweak it and test it again. Continually test to make sure it is effective and make changes as needed.


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